

Læra Institute Managing Director Anthony Speca had the privilege today of introducing the Læra Institute to representatives of Scottish universities and the Scottish Government, as part of an online Scotland-Arctic Network Series event on 'Scotland's role and contribution in a changing Arctic environment'.

The network series was organised by the Centre for Climate Justice at Glasgow Caledonian University, in partnership with the University of Highlands and Islands, the University of Aberdeen and the UArctic, and supported by the Scottish Government.  Speaking on the 'Environmental Education' panel, Dr Speca gave a brief overview of the Læra Institute's work, and participated in a discussion about what Scotland and Scottish universities can offer in the field of Arctic education.

A full recording of the 'Environmental Education' panel session is available on the GCU Centre for Climate Justice's YouTube channel.  A copy of Dr Speca's slides are also available for download from our website.


Scotland Arctic Network Series

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