

Trent University, one of the Læra Institute's university sponsors, is delighted to announce the first-ever Scotland Model Arctic Council (SCOTMAC), taking place 11-13 March 2022 at the Scottish Association for Marine Science in the charming coastal town of Oban, Scotland.  Registration is now officially open, and undergraduate students from any university in the world are eligible to participate.  Students from Trent University, as well as the universities of the Scottish-Arctic Network—Glasgow Caledonian University, Robert Gordon University, and the universities of Aberdeen, Edinburgh, Highlands and Islands, St Andrews and Strathclyde—are especially encouraged to take part.

SCOTMAC 1 features expert teaching and guidance from Arctic specialists, three days of simulated Arctic diplomacy at which to hone valuable speaking and consensus-building skills, and social events at which to build lasting friendships with fellow students from universities in Scotland, the rest of the UK, and beyond.
SCOTMAC is one of the few Model Arctic Council conferences in the world today designed with undergraduates in mind. It is open to students studying any subject.

SCOTMAC is an educational initiative of Polar Aspect and the Scottish-Arctic Network, hosted in March 2022 by the Scottish Association for Marine Science in collaboration with Trent University, with funding from the Scottish Government Arctic Connections Fund and the Scottish Alliance for Geoscience, Environment and Society.

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